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Friday, July 10, 2009

Medicinal Uses and Indications of Grape Seed Oil Extract (A UM Medical Center Study)

Today, health care professionals use standardized extracts of grape seed to treat a range of health problems related to free radical damage, including blood sugar regulation problems, heart disease, and cancer. Studies in laboratories, animals, and people lend some support to these uses.

Flavonoids found in red wine have been reported to protect the heart. They may inhibit the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol. (LDL oxidation which can lead to hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis). Studies have demonstrated a relationship between flavonoid intake (from foods) and reduced risk of death from coronary heart disease.

The Mediterranean diet is comprised of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, and moderate, daily wine consumption. In a long-term study of 423 patients who suffered a heart attack, those who followed a Mediterranean diet had a 50 - 70% lower risk of recurrent heart disease compared with controls who received no special dietary counseling. Some researchers believe that some of the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet are due to flavonoids found in red wine. (Another well-known theory along these lines is called "The French Paradox." The belief is that drinking wine protects those living in France from developing heart disease at as high a rate as those living in the United States, despite the rich fatty foods they eat.)

Others speculate that the healthful effects of moderate wine consumption are due to its alcohol content and not its flavonoid content. If the flavonoids are contributing to heart protection, then grape seed extracts offer an important alternative to alcohol, particularly given the down sides of drinking alcohol (see below). A third concept is being proposed by a group of researchers who believe that the beneficial effects of wine may be triggered by a complex interaction of alcohol and flavonoids. As the controversy of which ingredient in wine is the most important continues, both grape seed extracts and red wine continue to be promoted for heart health. In addition, several test tube and animal studies confirm that antioxidants from grapes offer cardioprotection in their own right.

It is also important to note that the use of alcohol is not advocated by the American Heart Association and other organizations because of the potential for addiction and the other serious repercussions, such as motor vehicle accidents and the development of hypertension, liver disease, breast cancer, and weight gain. If you do drink red wine, you should have no more than 2 glasses (20 g ethanol) per day.

Full source here.

EXTREME Grape Seed Oil Extract
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